A bit about me:
I am a PhD student in evolutionary biology at Louisiana State University. The overarching goal of my research is to understanding how biodiversity is generated, maintained and lost in marine systems. These topics are central to addressing the current challenge of climate change and habitat fragmentation which continues to drive species to extinction and endangerment. My research applies genetics and transcriptomic tools to understand how populations are connectivity and locally adapted.
Current Research

Genetic mechanisms of ecological speciation in marine systems. This project aims to assess the genetic basis of divergence between two ecotypes (Deep vs Shallow) of Eunicea floxousa coral across the Caribbean.
Population genetic structure of the California Freshwater Shrimp. I am using SNP data from ddRAdseq to delineate the gene pool boundaries of this endangered species and assess the levels of diversity and connectivity between the gene pools.
The effect of cyclone Harvey on oyster populations: I am using pre and post Harvey samples to test whether the cyclone was a selective for some genotypes.